Sunday 26 February 2017


1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

The Beginning of the End...!!!

American Destructivism

Pay back time...!!!


Obama Clown no more...!!!

Abraham Lincoln's Republican Party restores dignity to the Presidency...!!!

Oligarchic immigrationist ridiculing of Nation's Representative will not happen this year...!!!

Criminal immigrationist Lügenpresse at the receiving end of its own satanic regime of censorship, abuse, denigration and terror against the Working Class...!!!

Law... Accountability... Production...!!!

American Working Class starts liberation of the World...!!!

Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!