Wednesday 22 February 2017

Sweden's Walk of Shame

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Zero Cost Labour

Bondage by terror...!!!


Terror in Sweden...!!!

Islamofeminazis mortified... Immigrationist Sweden humiliated again...!!!

No end to Sweden's immigrationist woes...!!!

Swedish immigrationist terrorists talk the Talk... and walk the Walk...!!!

Trump is wrong... it is worse than he thinks... in Sweden the Terrorists are in power...!!!

Islamofeminazi terror in Sweden...!!!

Terror against terror...!!!

Justice by Dread

Revolution only solution...!!!

'Zu den Waffen selbst'...!!!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!