Monday 31 July 2017

One Dick State

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

The Rape of Korea...!!!

Let them die...!!!

'The whole of the Koreas is not worth the bones of a single US Marine'...!!!

By withdrawing from Korea and creating a local tactical vacuum, the US will tempt North Korea to attack and, hence, create the condictions to destroy, from the air, the blackmailers on both sides of the DMZ. At the same time, China will also be liberated from a worthless Korea that can only cause her millions of casualties and, especially, economic ruin by jeopardising globalisation... let them die...!!!

Savagery's take-over of universal proportions...!!!

Infinite Monarchy and Corruption

Killing the 'Great Father'... only solution for civilisation...!!!

Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
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