Friday 27 October 2017

High Treason...!!!

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

1808 again...!!!

Oligarchic Rebellion in Spain...!!!

La Patria está en peligro; España perece víctima de la perfidia caciquil. 
¡Españoles, acudid a salvarla!

28 Octubre 2017


Catalonia to be Privatised...!!!

Spanish corrupt and putrid oligarchy tries to save racist secession with fake election on 21 December...!!!

As in other countries, the corrupt oligarchy of Spain continues its long rebellion against the people. Today, the Catalan secessionist autocracy has been obliged, after many shameful, contemptible and derisory bluffs, to cowardly declared independence, that is, the brutal privatisation of a considerable chunk of Spain and Europe, with the connivance and actual help of a decaying and dismal political class that wallows in High Treason. While pretending to impose direct rule to calm and deceive the majority of Spain, the political class calls a quick and fake election with the clear aim of saving his, apparently, rebellious Catalan chums from the consequences of the rule of law, justice and Constitutional order. This insensate action will only delay the independence bid until the factory of secessionist, in control of education, language, bureaucracy, police, medias and all major institutions, has produced enough citizens to create a majority that favours its aims. Fortunately, they say that revolutions are started by greedy and haughty oligarchies... the tears come later, when the workers are forced to take control of the situation and restore order... for good...!

Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
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¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!