Sunday 19 November 2017

Panta Fake

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Fake Culture...!!!

Fake Education from Fake Elites...!!!

Contra Tyrannos

We face here another apology of tyranny by the same self-serving and arrogant oligarchy that brought the disasters of mass uncontrolled migration and unfair competition upon us, and that the malevolent pictures of President Trump will not be able to hide. The deficient education of those who portray themselves as the educated rightful owners of knowledge and sole keepers of political know-how shows clearly in their misconceptions they hold of mathematics, science and technology. 

In the past, and no doubt in the present, oligarchies were keen to deviate the efforts of the youth towards barren 'apolitical' subjects with the hope of maintaining their unjust hold on power indefinitely without achieving the desired results (the Tsarist regime was notorious for that), because they are incapable to understand that Mathematical Science IS politics. The most revered Ancients and Moderns, have always known that symmetry, equality, fraternity, revolution and freedom were mathematical concepts. That the revolving of the Heavens had clear political implications on the peoples of the Earth. That the technological advances are the stuff of the social fabric (Windmills and Feudalism... Machines and Capitalism). Countless are the 'Mathematicians' that moved the world: from Pythagoras, to Plato and Archytas, from Hobbes and the English revolutionaries, to Carnot, the 'Organiser of Victory', to Napoleon an 'Artillery Officer', not to mention Kant (with early work in Mathematics/Astronomy/Physics) to even Trotsky, praised even by his enemies for his Mathematical mind. 

But, in the dark recesses of computer science and its relation with the military, it is not clear that Facebook, Google and Twitter were not from the beginning political projects (probably to spy on people, their habits, custom and inclinations, including political affections and capabilities) to prevent revolutions (Tetris, the famous computer game was said to be an invention of the KGB to 'entertain' and demobilise the Western youth), or even provoke them (Arab revolts?). Computer pioneers were very conscious of the political implications of their work and searched actively for means of universal communication and union between 'workers'... So who's the half-educated then...?

Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
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