Friday 29 March 2019

The collapse of the USSR destroyed the EU

The European Union was sold, tacitly, as a kind socialist system that could save the day and compete with the Soviet Union and the USA. People thought that the very fact of the union could even out the 'rough' edges and drag all towards more socialism and progress. The collapse of the USSR and, with it, the destruction of the Communist parties, changed the whole situation, dragging instead the working classes towards a liberal 'union' and their own destruction and reverting their lives to the XIX Century and before, through mass uncontrolled migration, delocalisation, unfair competition, feminism, lgeeteebism, draconian censorship and repression, etc... Internet is helping to create resistance and, possibly, to generate a teleproletarian or electroproletarian (eproletarian) but, especially after the 'unsuccessful' revolts of the Arab world, it is still to be seen if that could be enough to maintain some semblance of working class organisation and build a new Communist Movement.