Monday 29 March 2021

The Nunnery Cult

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


The use of the sexual behaviour of mankind (yes, mankind = humankind), as a tool to carve chunks of power, is the essence of the feminist movement. The use, as in this case, of the natural sensual behaviour of unruly teenagers, male and female alike, shows that the feminist movement will recognise no limits in its quest to attain its dubious aims. Some say that feminism is just a metamorphosis of the ancient monastic rules of nuns (no wonder it has extensive support in old religious countries like Ireland, Spain, Italy...). Feminism seems to be a monkish cult that reviles and persecutes carnal relationships (one of the essential characteristics of mankind), to dominate the minds and bodies of its followers and, more worryingly, of those who do not and will not abide by its creed. It took humanity, if only part of it, a long time and a lot of blood to liberate itself from these religious darkness and hate of body. We should not fall back into that rude cloister mentality again.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!