Wednesday 17 March 2021

The Sense of the World

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


The sense of this putrid world has never been so clear. In reality it's very simple:

1- Oligarchies destroy USSR and Socialist/Communist Movement using 'socialist' methods (public economies, welfare state, public investment, etc...), in what amounts to the communist bribing of entire populations.

2- Oligarchies enlist socialist power, China, by seducing it with development funds, delocalisation, open borders, transfers of technology and brutal globalisation that destroys Western Socialist Movements and communist social progress.

3- Once the USSR is defeated and dismantled, the oligarchies are trying to avoid a recreation of the Socialist/Communist Movement by infiltration and by creating ersatz, harmless, movements like feminism, minority-mongering, 'lgtbism', racism, ethnicism, etc, etc... to pacify and disorganise possible opposition and avert its rebirth.

4- Before a resurgence of opposition created by the ravages of globalist immigrationism, the oligarchies attack and plunder the health systems of the world and stoke fear with unsubstantiated stats and fake science in the hands of treacherous politicians, technocrats and merchant-scientists.

Simple and very effective, especially against a confounded population, completely disorganised and headless.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!