Thursday 22 April 2021

Cheeky Richy the Rich

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


With climate change fanaticism, 'climatochangism', we face another flimflam, similar to those on race, gender, etc... We are, essentially, facing the same people and the same political problems, that is, a clear and premeditated attempt to substitute the class war that create so many problems to the elites, by more manageable and less dangerous issues, that have the potential to turn people against each other and prevent the union of the working class. To consider science as 'irrefutable', especially 'historical sciences' of the natural variety, is such a preposterous and absurd assertion, that those who made it are showing not only their total ignorance, but their complete and utter contempt for science and mankind. Like with the other varieties of post-modern batty causes (gender, race, etc...), 'climatochangism' is based on confusion, lies and manipulation of highly complex facts. Like in that other causes, confusion is the mother of all things. The confusion between rich and poor, is one of the essential lies with which they try to advance this agenda and, with it, to hit the, so called, poor in all countries. Indeed, who is rich in a nation? Are those very wealthy govevernment and UN bureaucrats that defend climate change and party in Geneva or in Tribeca, classified as rich? Are they going to pay for all the adjustments needed? Will they bear the brunt of all the changes they propose? Why are the workers of the West, for example, to make room for the millions of millionaires of the East and their polluting factories? Why should the workers of the West reduce their low standards of living to allow the creation of very rich people in the East or South? Do these cheeky rich really think that we are so gullible?


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!