Tuesday 22 June 2021

Much Ado about Voting

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to


Brexit was a surprise. After such biased campaign in favour of the immigrationist EU by most of the British and World Establishment and what it had to offer (servile academia, institutions, banks, businesses, political class, media and other 'brainwashing' means, etc, etc...), it is fair to say that not many people expected the result. Brexit was a little bit of fresh air, as the working-class had taken a devastating beating since the collapse of the USSR and, with it, most socialist opposition.

However, in the nature of things Brexit, as related phenomena like Trump or the previous Arab Spring, could not develop into something major and truly revolutionary, as the workers have lost their political parties and organisations and are headless, lacking all sense of direction and meaning. Without proper organisation, the most promising energies and will could be easily squandered. Today, Brexit has become a kind moderated protest, at the head of which the old oligarchy has managed to recreate itself with a reinvigorated 'Red' Tory Party to lead the working-class in an inverted historical process.

There is no doubt that Britain, with its industrial and technological base, its political know-how, its democratic and revolutionary traditions and cultural importance, can act on its own and progress, without too much difficulty. As a matter of fact, Brexit is a golden opportunity to break new 'British' ground in the history of the world and help in the liberation of other countries that are 'hijacked' by their oligarchies and cannot vote.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!
