Wednesday 29 September 2021

Obituary for the Labour Party

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

With this ridiculous and gushy 'ceremony' of humiliation, the brutal bourgeois and 'aristocratic' takeover and destruction of the Labour Party has been completed. The Party that saved Britain and created the Welfare State, that threatened the oligarchy with worker's Socialism in tandem with the USSR, is no more.

Today's 'Labour' Party, as a result of a long drawn struggle and the mortal damage inflicted by the rule of Blair and its servants and, it has to be said, the parochial ignorance, mental weakness and careerism of large sectors of the working population and its putrid local councils, trade unions and other organisations, the main opposition party is no more.

It is clear that, form now on, the Establishment will have a plain sailing and a free hand in the ruling of a nation completely subjugated and entertained with the goofy battles of the woke movement. Black, green, lilac and rainbow have assassinated red in a race towards 'happy' slavery and servitude. You do not have a party anymore, as most of the population has decided to throw away centuries of struggles. You are completely defenceless. It is not difficult to see what will happen to you...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!