Sunday 24 October 2021

Marx Replicants

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Unable to overcome the class conflict concomitant with class societies, the exploiters have turned to the next best thing to preserve their brutal regimes, low grade imitation and mimicry. The constant and repetitive attacks on Marx and Communism, from left, right and centre, aim to infiltration, domination, manipulation and eventual 'castration', more than the outright destruction that has eluded elites throughout history.

The infiltration and impersonation of 'Marx' and Communism around the world, has turned out to be much more useful to the exploiters, as their fake imitations, in the form of minority-mongering movements (feminism, lgtbism, racism, climatism and others), has sown confusion in the ranks of the working class, promoted the all important division and allowed the hijacking of the opposition and its eventual emasculation (hence the stress on feminism, women-wokery and lgtb attacks against adults and children).

Through the use of mass propaganda, brain washing techniques, insults, intimidation, social denigration, force, violence, tendentious laws, illegal, anti-democratic and anti-constitutional legislation and many other methods, the bourgeoisie or, rather, the lumpenbourgeosie in control of the regime, has been able to create an inverse world that blames all the ills and problems on the true enemies of exploitation.

In this inverse, perverse and corrupt new world, immigration, feminist and lgtb abuse, wokery, deindustrialisation and poverty, are being blamed on Marx and the Communists, that is, on those who really oppose them and warned, decades and even centuries ago, of their foolish consequences.

Imitation and 'replication' for castration, not outright destruction, is the name of the game in this subsidised 'free' market utopia of the bourgeois swamp.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!