Friday 19 November 2021

Nuremberg Again

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

After decades of massive and insistent propaganda, skilful plunder management and savage infiltration of working class parties, the defeat of the International Socialist Movement is painfully and brutally clear, almost total.

Austria, the Fatherland of Adolf Hitler and many of its followers, has 'volunteered' to take the first step in the mad race to treat 'citizens' like beasts of burden and chattel slaves and has launched the most determined attack to date, to violate the most intimate rights and basic freedoms of mankind.

If the Nazis of the past were fearsome fighters and soldiers, today's 'Nazis' are more insidious, despicable and brutal, because they are cowardly, slimy and gushy, a badly faded and woke copy of a vastly superior people that would not have hesitated in hanging them from the nearest lamppost.

The vile meekness and cowardice of a subdued and superstitious majority, is allowing the exploiters to impose their most hallucinatory, foolish and insane plans for domination and tyranny without significant resistance. It seems that, once again, help can only come from outside putrid and dastardly societies or even from 'religious' parties ready to defend themselves.

The identification of resistance through physical, chemical or biological separation, disguised as medical emergencies, can only fool those willing and ready to support the regime of fear created by a ruthless class of corrupt politicians and, even more corrupt, followers. 

This attack against the freedoms conquered by bourgeois and working class revolutionaries throughout centuries of bloody struggles, can not and will not be forgotten or forgiven by the best part of mankind. Once again, Nuremberg is the light that beckons at the end of this dark tunnel...

So help us Almighty 'God' and its Avenging Justice...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!