Thursday 4 November 2021

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion I

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Once again we are treated (mistreated), to one of those, badly written, 'American' gossipy and naïve articles, a psychological 'history' that almost amounts to the famous Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Indeed, if the 'dirty' Rothschilds are there, we only miss the, not less dirty or 'Jewish' Marxists.

This bad article is a compendium of political, historical and intellectual confusions, inaccuracies and misunderstandings and, therefore, a very poor and weak base on which to build the case against the brutal and merciless 'green' class struggle of today.

If Machiavelli, that archetype of the Renaissance, would have heartily laughed at the characterisation of his times and intellectual elites as 'love and humility' (Pico della Mirandola used to arrogantly challenge its critics, from the ends of Italy, by paying travel expenses to Rome), the 'popular' misrepresentation of Malthus' mechanistic views (a Mathematician, a Wrangler from Cambridge University), views that are at the heart of Darwin's Theory of Evolution, that most scientific of modern scientific paradigms, borders ridicule.

However, the political confusion is no less significant. The 'Green Movement' (ecologism, climate changism, etc...), that has been promoted and funded with, the evident, full support of the elites and their mass media and, necessarily, ended with the 'Green New Deal', has a long history and is, certainly, previous to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (launched around 2013). Thus, Germany, of all places, had a political 'Green Movement' (imitated all over the world), of long standing. A Movement, by the way, of a strong reactionary nature (those lovely 'vegans' were the ones that bombed Yugoslavia). Something not very strange as the Nazi Movement, for example, was well known for its love of nature, mountains and peasant 'natural and rural' life.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!