Friday 7 January 2022

Manu Militari




Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas

1922 - 2022

In response to:

Foreign military intervention in Kazakhstan has the same nature and objectives than that in Syria, that is, a 'firefighting' operation that looks to break and stop the spread of legitimate protests against illegitimately corrupt and despotic regimes born of the plunder and deliberate destruction of the USSR and its riches. The dangers faced by the oligarchies of the ex-Soviet banana Republics, if the revolutionary example was to prosper, are quite obvious and only military intervention and repression could save the day for those in power.

It would be a grave illusion, however, to think that the old colonies of the Tsarist Empire are not historical nationalities or even successful 'states' that could be recreated with proper management and reasonable democratic rule. Thus, the foreign powers that venture into an easy victory against unarmed populations, could be walking into an 'Afghan' trap that can be easily exploited by other international actors.

The conflicts in Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia and others, could easily bring down any power, as the extreme disparity of development in the different Soviet Republics did contribute to the collapse of the USSR. The weakness of the strategic situation, made even worse by popular and widespread support for change, cannot pass unnoticed by the world powers that can sense a generalised collapse of unpopular regimes. Manu militari intervention will not solve the deep causes of the problem.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!!!