'Mitteleuropäisches Reich'
The New European Union, the Fourth Reich, is nothing else than an inverse transformation of the American Civil War, a dialectical inversion of the clash to the death between the proletarian forces of free labour and those of slavery, in which the Confederacy, that nazi compendium of human misery, has control over a 'Federal' Government that does not represents the majority of the peoples of Europe, but the corrupt oligarchies of the world, bent on fleecing the treasury of the Commonwealth.
As was the case with slavery in XIX century America, modern day slavery, that is, the annihilation of salaries and civilized working conditions, requires a perpetual expansion in the spacetime continuum (note, in this sense, the accession of Croatia to the EU in spite of the crippling crisis), a ceaseless assimilation of cheap workers, especially through immigration, and unlimited access to free public resources that can renew an exhausted and inefficient capitalist productive system.
Today, however, there is not, as yet, a Republican Party that can represent 'free labour' and the proletariat is drifting and retreating, disorganised, under the severe and constant attacks of the forces of slavery. But not all is lost, since a deeper proletarization of Europe, cannot but mobilize and bring to the class war, under the threat of starvation, even those that, until now, were incapable of political thought or resistance. Even a whole country like Britain, under a mantle that professes to defend the interests of its own thieves, has been obliged to remain outside a union that threatens to subsume her own power under a new nazi Behemoth, that can only be defeated, once again, through revolution. It is for this reason that, Britain, will be forced to become, like at times in the past, if only imperceptibly, a revolutionary power that promotes rebellion and class war against her enemy, the IV Reich.
N.B: Censored in Kaosenlared.net
Workers of the World, Unite!
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