Sunday 24 February 2013

Dimitrov on sanguinary lessons

And now, ten years after the outbreak of the imperialist war, when imperialism is driving the world into new and more terrible wars, the revolutionary workers and peasants of the Balkans, who are under the leadership of Communist Parties, and who have profited by the sanguinary lessons of the two last Balkan wars, and especially by the lessons of the European war, understand full well that the only means for the prevention of a new imperialist war, is the class war of the workers and peasants against the bourgeoisie and imperialism, for the overthrow of the bourgeois regime and the establishment of a workers’ and peasants’ government, for the establishment of a proletarian dictatorship in the Balkans as well as on an international scale.


¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!