Tuesday 16 September 2014

Ardens sed Virens

A 'New' Solemn League and Covenant

Class War in Scotland

Class War in Britain

That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery, prelacy (that is, Church
government by Archbishops, Bishops, their Chancellors and Commissaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, and all other ecclesiastical officers depending on that hierarchy), superstition, heresy, schism, profaneness, and whatsoever shall be found to be contrary to sound doctrine and the power of godliness, lest we partake in other men's sins, and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues; and that the Lord may be one, and His name one in the three kingdoms'.

Solemn League and Covenant, 1643.

Like in 1643, 'Presbyterian' Scotland could liberate Britain again by defending socialism against the 'Popery and prelacy' of Thatcherism...!!! 

Social-Traitocracy fights for survival...!!!

Rotten Medieval oligarchy, in last hour panic, makes more typical empty promises to swindle population but the only guarantee is independence...!!!


Labour traitors could be destroyed at last...!!!

Thanks Maggie...!!!

Thanks Tony...!!!

Thanks Gordon...!!!

Rotten Spain Next...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
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