Saturday 20 September 2014

Pyrrhic victory

Scotland vanguard of the proletariat!!!

Although with a clear overall majority of 55%, the 'victory' of the no campaign in Scotland is a hollow one. To impose defeat on a rebellious population, the hated tories and its social-traitocrats labour stooges, lib-dem twats and the cretins and irrelevant but 'symbolic' police commies, had to haggle and promise, in extremis and in panic, heaven and earth, using blatant bribes, ruthless threats, blackmail and extortions, dispelling in the process any illusions on the dismal and inept character of a decaying oligarchy. All that in a calm, tame and bland contest, in which the parts tacitly undertook not to stir up the underlying class war. 

Indeed, apart from three prominent issues that the yes camp could not answer appropriately or satisfactorily (currency, pensions and nuclear weapons), there was a lack of aggressive class thinking and tactics behind the campaign that could have led to defeat, in spite of the massive mobilisation of the poorer sections of a population clearly dissatisfied with the status quo.

But this 'Scottish defeat' is already showing the signs of a great victory for the whole country, as the panic and terror of the elites is being translated in concessions, reforms and a new constitutional arrangement for Britain. Half of the population in Scotland, of major cities and in the process of being organised, cannot be ignored. The fight for socialist independence has already accomplished a great part of its mission, breaking the spell of a perverted 'workers solidarity' as an instrument for exploitation and conservatives policies and politicising the whole population.  

Thanks Thatcher!!!

Thanks Tony!!!

Thanks Asno!!!

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