Zero Cost Labour
Bondage by terror...!!!
Eurozuela to open the gates to millions of scab labourers...!!!
Eurozuelan oligarchy in open war against International Working Class...!!!
Hundred 'Molenbeeks' Campaign...!!!
With already a numerous and organised community in place to supply the necessary infrastructure, the 'Turdkish' visa free movement will be a new mass movement that will drown the few advances of the International Proletariat in the sweat and blood of slavery...!!!
Terror migration under cover of visa free entry...!!!
Western progress to be submerged under human tide of Oriental servitude...!!!
Racing against time to establish and consolidate their 'Love Camp', treacherous Eurozuelan oligarchy institutes a regime of social, economic and labor terror against an abulic, apathetic and disorganised population of what are, already, serfs not workers...!!!
Terror against terror...!!!
Justice by Dread
FBI action only solution...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!