'Murder in the Cathedral'
Zero Cost Labour
Bondage by terror...!!!
London given...!!!
London taken...!!!
The death of politics
The madrasa joins the church...!!!
Religious takeover of Western politics...!!!
Oriental religions in alliance against workers...!!!
'Imam' Khan officiates in Cathedral... Medieval religion, true victor of Labour and Tory treason...!!!
Londonistan... Londonbeek...!!!
Hundred 'Molenbeeks' Campaign...!!!
Islamic infiltration of Western Labour parties obtains spectacular success...!!!
Oligarchy engineers Islamic takeover of London...!!!
By fielding one of the most prominent members of the rotten oligarchy, a true insult to the population of London, the worst of the Blue Tories have complemented the treason of the Pink 'Labour' Tories and, effectively, given London to the Islamic infiltrators of a Labour Party that has become the party of those ethnic and religious minorities that have, neither understanding nor interest, in Socialism...!!!
Terror against terror...!!!
Justice by Dread
FBI action only solution...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!