Sunday 31 July 2016

Love Camp America

America declared a Love Camp...!!!

Zero Cost Labour

'She will finish the job'...!!!

Feminazis join Islam...!!!

Taking example from a saturated and subjugated Spain or a Germanistan where Leftists and Feminazis came out, not in support of the female victims of the New Year's sexual attacks, but in support of the Islamist attackers and of immigration, American exploiters turn eagerly towards a Holy Alliance between two of their most powerful and monstrous division factors against the Working Class: Feminazism and religion, especially Islam.

What appears to be, in principle, a ridiculous and preposterous alliance, is perfectly logical once it is understood that the one and only principle is the defence of mass immigration and, though it, the subjugation of the American Working Class and the rest of the world. 

Then and only then, anyone will be able to understand why the furious and 'ferocious' Feminazis become so docile and can ignore the blatant mistreatment of women in Islam, the polygamy, the honour killings, the underage marriages, the physical punishments attached to 'free' sexual relations, women's domestic slavery, repressive dress codes and other innumerable prohibitions that make of women what the Feminazis say they don't want to be. 

Then, also, anyone will understand why Mr Trump can ask if that 'lady' in question was allowed to say something or, even, if she could speak English or just belongs to those millions upon millions of immigrants that live in the Molenbeeks and ghettos of this world, isolated, separated, segregated and without the need to utter a word in the language of the host country, an alien country, an enemy country, an infidel and repugnant country...!!!

With nothing to offer but more exploitation, immigration, cowardice, incompetence and crime, the American Antidemocratic Party becomes a full blown Feminazi organisation intent on establishing a monarchic and a nasty dynastic regime where, by definition, the workers, that despicable populace and rabble, cannot possibly be 'qualified' to hold the highest office...!!!

'Zu den Waffen selbst'...!!!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!