Tuesday 2 August 2016

Love Camp America

America declared a Love Camp...!!!

Zero Cost Labour

'She will finish the job'...!!!

American immigrationist oligarchy and its lackeys accelerate 'medieval' division of society

There are not 'Muslim' American Soldiers, there are American Soldiers. There are not 'Muslim' or 'Black' or 'Asian' American Citizens, there are American Citizens. Only the fetid and feverish imagination of a putrid immigrationist oligarchy, its moronic followers and journalistic snitches and whores, can portrait the medieval and Third World division of American society and its Military (the main unifying force of American history), into religious, racists, ethnic or sexual castes, as something to be 'celebrated', promoted, encouraged or paraded with gusto.

The 'Khans' confrontation against Trump engineered by the immigrationist oligarchy, has nothing to do with Captain Khan service and heroic status but shows, rather, the nature of the beast. By creating a polemic where there is none and mobilising the caste immigrationist system that their manipulation and propaganda has imposed as the norm, the exploiters try, with a determination bordering on panic, to stop the American Rebellion that they have on their hands...!!!

With nothing to offer but more exploitation, immigration, cowardice, incompetence and crime, the American Antidemocratic Party becomes a full blown Feminazi organisation intent on establishing a monarchic and a nasty dynastic regime where, by definition, the workers, that despicable populace and rabble, cannot possibly be 'qualified' to hold the highest office...!!!

'Zu den Waffen selbst'...!!!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!