Wednesday 19 January 2022

Nazis are Immigrationists




Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas

1922 - 2022

In response to:

Today's Nazis are, unlike their warrior like ancestors, quite ignorant people. Nazism was immigrationist globalisation avant la lettre. The Third Reich was not only one of the most 'emigrationists' entities on Earth, something expressly acknowledged in its expansionist and brutal imperialist ideology (Lebensraum is just a byword for migration), but, more importantly nowadays, the Nazi regime was one of the highest importers of immigrants in the world. Indeed, the Nazi slave machine was based on immigrant labour, either 'free' or forced. From the guest workers of Western Europe and Nazi allies to the forced used of 'immigrant' slave labour from the East and conquered territories or the prisoners of war from many countries, Nazi Germany was an immigrationist hub of very big proportions. It is calculated that the Nazis used more than 12000000 immigrants, in proportion comparable to the numbers used today in Europe. What is more, even the infamous concentration camps can be considered especial centres of immigrant forced labour of no return. Even a simple man like Breivik will understand that he only killed his real allies... Sieg Heil... ha, ha, ha...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, unite!!!