Tuesday 11 January 2022

Sleepy Big Bear




Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas

1922 - 2022

In response to:


The real question is not if the events in Kaz are a Maidan copycat or not, but why Maidan and similar events occurred, if they were justified and why or, put another way, why there are masses of ordinary people, normal patriots and workers, prepared to pour into the streets, protest and revolt against the given regimes, even risking their own lives. It is evident that the popular discontent against corrupt, oligarchic and brutal regimes, is the major factor in the troubles, no matter how many want to evade the real problems and accuse foreigners.

By not recognising the real situation, the deep social, economic and political problems of the 'Republics', of the people of that 'Republics' or, rather, Kingdoms and Princedoms, the whole issue descents into a grotesque farce. Indeed, if it is all the fault of foreigners and their spy agencies, then the guilt of the regimes is even worse, as they would have demonstrated a total lack of understanding, negligence of security and treasonable behaviour, as they were forced to acknowledge and do by accusing one of their peers in the highest echelons of government.

That, of course is a ridiculous proposition and face saving device by the rest of the elites, as it is IMPOSSIBLE that 20,000 or more foreign CIA agents, completely organised and with all the means as they disposal for subversion and riots, even with weapons, could have been operating in a sparsely populated country, concentrated in a few cities with a strong police and military, waiting for someone to rise prices, without anybody noticing until after they struck. It simply does not work...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, unite!!!