Sunday 23 January 2022

British Nazism




Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas

1922 - 2022

In response to (Censored by RT):

This article, together with the film, is a new and concerted effort to rehabilitate, redeem and justify those truly responsible of plunging the world into a new criminal war (apparently the film also tries to make us believe that the Wehrmacht was against Hitler...!!!), directed agains the working class movement and its materialisation in the USSR.

It is disingenuous to say that the mood in Britain, of the British population, was for peace at any cost and against any war. Indeed, that was ALSO the mood during WWI and that mood did not prevent the corrupt elites to organise one of the biggest massacres in history. Therefore, to try to hide behind a 'proverbial' British mood or public opinion, managed to a great extent by the elites themselves and their lying media, is simply another dirty trick to blame someone else, the 'socialist' workers, of course. And that in a country where even the Monarchy supported the Nazis...!!!

Nobody should forget, either, that Mr Chamberlain did NOT resign but, on the contrary, was PUSHED out of office, essentially by the Labour Party. Chamberlain tried, on the contrary, to hold on to office with the support of the Majority of the Tory (Nazi?) Party and, after his political position was untenable, still tried to chose Mr Halifax (another 'old boy' in the British, philo-Nazi, oligarchy) as his successor. When that did not work, because of determined opposition of the Labour Party, he proposed Churchill, but he remained in the cabinet and at the head of the Tory 'Nazi' Party. Britain had to be de-Nazified before it could fight an effective war...!!!

The truth is that the British elites played a dangerous game with their Nazi card. They tried to stop socialism, even in Britain, with policies that coincided, most of the time (in Spain, in Italy, etc...), with those of Nazi Germany. They tried very hard to direct the efforts of Germany against the USSR, but failed because their reactionary and treacherous policies (even Poland was more reactionary than Germany), could not save their Empire. Terror struck their hearts when they realised the mistake and had to turn to the Labour Party to be saved.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!!!