Tuesday 25 January 2022

Digging Deep




Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas

1922 - 2022

In response to:


This article is another exercise in equivocation, perhaps the reflection of a author that wants to be all things, to all people, at the same time and falls short of all of them. He is paid by RT, is a Turkish, German, 'Westerner' and 'Easterner' and, then, a kind of 'Catholic' with roots in a 'Muslim' country...!!!

It is clear that the Vice Admiral was trying, illegally, to privatise his uniform and use it in a 'Christian' Crusade against the 'Yellow Peril', which is, reminiscent, indeed, of the ultra-conservative and Nazi ideologies of recent and shameful memory. Not for nothing, the Nazism and Fascism were intimately linked to the Catholic Church in Germany, Italy, Spain and elsewhere. So, the Ukrainian ambassador was not off the mark, after all.

The gravity and lack of prudence of the declarations of this undisciplined and traitor officer is, also, embarrassing for both sides, East and West. On the one hand, the State policy of Germany cannot be held to ransom by a religious Nazi fanatic, no matter how high in the military hierarchy (and there are many questions of why an undisciplined element could rise so high). On the other hand, the declarations and intentions of this fanatic, compromise the all important Big Bear's relationship with China at a critical moment. Something that is suspicious in itself, as China would be extremely cautious of its dealings with Big Bear 'now'. It will be fair to ask if that was the real intention of the whole affair.

The use of rhetorical terms like respect, without the concretion of real and meaningful policies, can fool only the fool. What do they mean with respect? Giving in to all demands of the opponent? Accepting Big Bear's veto power over NATO and Eastern Europe? Territorial, political or economic, concessions? Respect has to be spelled out to be respect but, above all, respect starts at home.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!!!