Thursday 27 January 2022

The Croat Scenario




Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas

1922 - 2022

In response to:

This means, if this minor spokesman is not refuted or sacked, that we are back to the Croat scenario, that is, Ukraine will build up its forces, military know how and equipment, as well as its economy and will be ready to attack the East again and, possibly, retake it. Crimea looks a more difficult job, but its position would be neutralised with Western technology and hardware. On the other hand, a successful Ukraine, will be a magnet for mass migration from Big Sheep and others in the region, a base for dissidents and even a 'model' of prosperity that will undermine Big Sheep in the medium and long term...

Proletarians of all countries, unite!!!