Monday 24 January 2022

Fake Science




Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas

1922 - 2022

In response to:

The use of 'science' as an ideological support is nothing new. Indeed, Darwin's theories were immediately put to that use, for or against. Today, with the Covid-1984 scare, we can palpably see that science or, rather, scientists, are completely subject to political, business and social manipulation and can be willing participants in the most brutal scams against mankind. Indeed, it could be said that science is already tainted from birth, as most scientists are of a certain class and status and, in any case, they form part of close groups and mafias.

The problem lies in the social recognition given to certain persons or to all persons that society, class society, chooses to acknowledge and give homage to. In a way, this woke brutal movement, a soft version of Nazi reactionary and biological politics, could be a beneficial development if it ends up by not giving recognition or homage to anyone. In that way scientists and other figures will be forced to do science or other business 'disinterestedly', anonymously and without the pedantic enticement of fame and social admiration. Institutions, streets will have to be 'named' with numbers or other symbols and statues and other monuments will ceased to be 'anthropomorphic'. Of course, there is no doubt that humans will create another iconoclast or 'astrological' fanatic movement against numbers or just prime numbers, real numbers, etc... but that is in the future.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!!!